FSE Listings why use Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings to go public with FSE Listings
FSE Listings partners to offer listing on the Frankfurt stock exchange in 2-6 weeks combined with financing between 5 million euro and 1 billion euro to clients « FSE Listings

FSE Listings partners to offer listing on the Frankfurt stock exchange in 2-6 weeks combined with financing between 5 million euro and 1 billion euro to clients

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 @ 11:03 AM
posted by FSE Listings

FSE Listings and partner Deutsche Capital Partners have over 100 listings, all of whom have received financing via direct investment, equity lines of credit, and debt financing. The firm has financed several billion in financing, with our investment criteria being mainly with firms of 5 million euro to 1 billion euro directly into Frankfurt Listed companies and private firms listing. Firms with pre-established trading history and volume are often easier to finance. The objective of FSE Listings partners is to provide the best possible risk-return trade-off by making direct investments into foreign and domestic private and public micro-cap companies. This is done through the acquisition of stock, convertible debt, warrants, and other instruments from target companies at a substantial discount. FSE Listings drives the listing process onto stock exchanges and the structure of the financing package is provided by partners such as Deutsche Capital Partners AG.

In addition, roadshows assist newly established firms meet their obligations for trading volume, allowing for financing acquisitions, growth, infrastructure, and seed capital.

Within 24 hours of our interview and due diligence, our team can identify the best mode of finance, the best market to list within, and structure your firm and investment plan. Our initial discussions will revolve around equity investments, roadshows, and the appeal of your business to the market and appetite of the exchange we will introduce and list you on. Most of the firms we establish financing with are small cap firms with under a 10 billion euro market cap.

Our firm can list your company on a stock exchange within 6-8 weeks and finance your firm. Deutsche Capital Partners AG has no outside investors, is a private partnership of capital firms within its jurisdiction focusing on merchant banking, commodities, equity financing, debt financing, and direct investments into firms seeking capital who provide a track record of liquid growth, or have the potential to do so.

Equity lines can be a highly effective and cost efficient capital raising tool. We are positive that we can meet the competitions offers and list your firm in an ideal structure.

Contact us at info at fselistings.com

FSE Listings is open for partnerships with:

  • Financing firms
  • Representatives in markets we do not yet cover
  • Individuals who would like to join the team with a professional criteria, such as Lawyer, Accountant, Broker

Contact us today to Partner or to List your Firm!

New York: +1-914-613-3889

UK: +44(0)2081235719

Hong Kong: 81753591

South Africa: +27110836116



*FSE Listings: Note of warning, we have no affiliation to a group misrepresenting the FSE Listings brand called Julius Csurgo, Global Regency, Merger Law Associates, Frankfurt Listings, and other such names. As far as our research has revealed, they appear to charge more and allegedly are slower than our firm at listing, in addition, we are not even sure they can list firms. Several firms have complained they were listed and didn’t even get to trade or clear properly using listings services and contacted us believing us to be the same firm. We believe that in this matter, one should be careful of all firms who do not have the representative Mark Bragg contact you. Our firm listed several companies in April and expects to do this again in May, with over 100 listed to date as a consortium. We are the leaders, competition is only healthy if they are not misrepresenting a brand, therefore, we bring this to your immediate attention that we have no affiliation to these firms. We are the only FSE Listings Inc, contact Mark Bragg today.